Thomas W. Lohmeyer

Senior Vice President/Investments, Branch Manager

Tom Lohmeyer
Senior Vice President/Investments
Branch Manager

Tom began his financial services career in 1968.  During the first several years of his career, he managed a solo practice in his hometown before switching his focus to advising Midwestern professional practitioners and small business owners.  This experience led to managing a retirement planning division for a Midwestern investment services company, which eventually progressed into working exclusively with executives of large companies with more than 25,000 U.S. employees.  After years of traveling across the country, Tom returned to Lawrence in 2002, and our team was formed.

Tom graduated from Emporia State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business.  Out of the office, Tom and his wife, Joyce, enjoy the empty nest lifestyle that allows them time with family and for traveling.  They reside in the wooded community of Cedar Creek, where they enjoy a constant variety of birds and wildlife.

Phone (785) 842-7800
Fax (785) 842-7808